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Here are a list of vegan snacks that do not contain dairy or meat:

  • Pringles

  • Takis

  • Ritz Crackers

  • Doritos

  • Sour Patch Kids

  • Oreos

  • Ruffles

  • CLIF bars

  • Nature Valley Granola Bars

  • Triscuit

  • Lays


Although these snacks are vegan, that does not mean they are healthy. Unlike these snacks, eating fruits and vegetables are great sources of nutrition and will also satisfy your hunger when you want a snack.


Here is a list of healthier snack ideas:

  • Trail Mix

  • Hummus and Veggies

  • Banana and Peanut Butter

  • Baked Veggie Chips

  • Eat a fruit!


Image by Arnold Antoo
Image by Romina BM
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